Style Savvy Sara

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

{race car birthday party}

I wanted to share a few pictures from my son's race car birthday party that we threw for him a while ago.  I planned and organized for weeks, and of course the day of the party I left my good camera at home :( :( So I apologize now that these are all phone pictures, but the party was a huge hit and I wanted to share a few details.  

{homemade piñata with cut up cereal boxes, tissue paper, and glue}

{black plastic table cloth and duct tape to make "streets"} 

I wanted a few car tires for decoration and to create a bean bag toss game, so we called a few tire stores and one of them let us borrow some old tires for free and return them.  The tire store manager was so nice, he even let us borrow a race car tire that I used to prop open the entrance door!

{our church has a pinewood race car track that they let us borrow and the kids could race all of little G's toy cars}

{I love to bake and decorate cakes, and this cake turned out awesome! I bought a checkerboard cake pan set from Michaels and followed the directions so that the cake would look like a race flag on the inside.  And to make the "3" I used two round cakes and buttercream frosting (no fondant required!)}

 {I made my son's piñata last year, and after not finding anything I liked for his party this year, I decided to make it again since I had enough recyclable boxes and leftover tissue paper from the last piñata}

If I've learned anything from it, I think I won't forget my good camera again, haha!  But I would probably consider putting a friend in charge of taking pictures (or hiring a photographer) for the party.  I did a lot of the work for the party on my own (I'm not complaining, I love planning parties!), but pictures would be one less thing for me to stress about doing during the party and are so nice to have when all the food is gone and the decorations have to be taken down.  And no matter the quality or type of camera used, my family and I will always cherish the pictures and memories that we made together.  

Overall, the party was a lot of fun and it turned out great!  I'm a perfectionist and a procrastinator (a tragically flawed personality, right?! Hahaha!), so of course as fate would have it there were things that I wanted to do but didn't have enough time to execute.  But even so, watching my son play with his friends and seeing him have a blast was worth all of the late nights and last minute stress.  He is the only reason for the party, and what matters most is that he has a good time.  

xo, Sara

P.S. If you are planning a race car birthday party, you can find more ideas on my Pinterest board here.  

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

{date in a jumpsuit}

JUMPSUIT: Forever 21
EARRINGS: Bauble Bar (sold out, very similar here)
WRISTLET/WALLET: Kate Spade via Nordstrom Rack (sold out, budget friendly version here)

This date night outfit is the third and final look I styled with this black jumpsuit (you can see the first two looks here and here).  It's a much simpler look, but I felt that my Blake Lively inspired braid and the pops of color and sparkle from my accessories would help dress it up a little bit for dinner out with my hubby.  

Usually date night is when I like to wear heels (since heels aren't usually a part of my "mom uniform"), but I just got these flats from a recent trip to Utah and I love them.  At first I was sort of boycotting any sort of "rock stud" shoe since it seems EVERY blogger has at least one pair, ha! But when I saw these leopard print ones, I couldn't resist and I have no regrets.   

I hope now that you've seen how versatile a basic jumpsuit it, you won't be nervous to try one for yourself!  I know I have a lot of other outfit ideas for this jumpsuit for the future, so it won't be the last time you see it here :)

xo, Sara


Friday, April 17, 2015

{jumpsuit into the weekend}

 jumpsuit: Forever 21
denim vest: levi's (sold out, similar here)
scarf: old, similar here
earrings: Purple Peridot (on sale!)
handbag: Emma Fox (similar here)
watch: Fossil
sneakers: Nike (on sale!)

Thank goodness it's Friday!

To kick off the weekend, I styled this jumpsuit so that I could run around after my kids and take them somewhere fun!  I have found that layering has really been key to changing up the look with this jumpsuit.  I couldn't resist my denim vest for spring (I would maybe pair it with my fur vest in the fall/winter?!), but with how finicky our weather has been I added a scarf as well.  I have loved seeing others "dress down" their more formal clothes with sneakers, so I went for that vibe with this look and I kind of love it…and I had no regrets on my footwear choice when chasing down my energetic toddler, haha!  I also love this handbag, it's big enough to hold my personal items as well as my mom essentials for the littles, and it's not a diaper bag :)

I have one more outfit post to share with you starring this versatile jumpsuit, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

xo, Sara


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

{jumpsuit up}

jumpsuit: forever 21
blazer: H&M (sold out, similar here)
heels: Target (old, similar and on sale here)
handbag: old
statement necklace: forever 21 (old, cute and on sale statement necklaces here)

When I first began this little blog, I was excited for the motivation it would give me to be a little more adventurous with my clothing choices.  A stylish friend from college posted about this jumpsuit a long while ago and recently while casually shopping online, I found it for myself and couldn't resist.  I almost bought it in white as well (it also comes in teal and marsala when it's in stock!), but I felt that for my first jumpsuit experience, black would be more versatile with the clothes and accessories I already own.  Being able to style something like this jumpsuit in multiple ways with my existing wardrobe is a big factor for me while shopping for clothes…most of the time.  

I have given myself the challenge to style this jumpsuit three different ways, so this is the first look inspired by how I would wear it in a 9-5 professional office sort of setting.  I love bright colored jackets and blazers, and this teal one adds such a fun pop of color along with the necklace that practically matches.  Leopard print is basically a neutral to me and my closet, so adding these heels gave my outfit a little pattern play along with the bright color.  

Stay tuned for my weekend inspired jumpsuit look!

xo, Sara

P.S. You can now shop my style!  I've linked most of my items (or very similar items) below so you can find them for yourself by clicking on any of the images below.  Happy shopping!


Thursday, April 9, 2015

{violet's first birthday}

My daughter Violet turned one last week!  It has been such a fun year that has flown by.  She is learning so much and becoming just a fun little girl who has us all wrapped around her little fingers.  

When Grant turned one we had a big birthday party for him which was a total blast.  This time around I opted not to have a birthday party for Violet (this year!)…second child problems I guess?? Ha! I made sure though that we did our traditional "birthday balloons" (sneaking balloons into the birthday boy/girl's room the night before) and of course, a smash cake.  

Even though most of these pictures don't show it (except for the last two), she tore into her cake!  We had to pick her up off the floor and strap her into her high chair half way through since she was getting frosting on our walls!  Regardless of where she was, it didn't damper her excitement.  

I still have Grant's race car party pictures I plan on sharing, so stay tuned for that coming up soon!

Thanks for reading!

xo, Sara

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

{blue and blush}

Cardigan: old, similar here
Shirt: Cynthia Rowley found at TJMaxx (a favorite store!), similar here
Scarf: old, love this blue floral one
Fedora: Hurley (stole from my hubby!), but here is one specific to women :)
Jeans: LC by Lauren Conrad (sold out, similar style here)
Wedges: old, similar here (and on sale!)

Happy Tuesday!

Before the rain came in yesterday, the weather has been amazing here!  I'm loving the flowers blooming and warmer temperatures.  I'm taking advantage of it all before it gets crazy humid hot. It was slightly windy the day we found these blossoming trees, so I am very glad we snapped a few pictures with them before the blossoms were gone away with the wind.  

I love this blue cardigan, especially when paired with this scarf.  I bought them together from Charlotte Russe years ago, but they have held up quite nicely over time, and I have found uses for them together and separately!  It's also an added bonus that fringe is a current spring trend, and I love how girly/lacy the fringe is on this scarf.  Both the scarf and cardigan are lightweight, so they are the perfect layering pieces for transitional spring styles.

I also lucked out that my husband kept this fedora, even though he wouldn't wear it.  I "stole" it from him years ago, but what's mine is yours and vice versa in marriage, right?! Haha! He and I are not typically the same sizes in clothing, so I don't normally get to borrow his clothes for a casual "from the boys" look.  I lucked out that this hat fits my was a great find while I was "shopping" our closet ;) 

Thanks for reading!

xo, Sara
