Style Savvy Sara

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

{Easter florals}

{top: TJMaxx, similar ones here}
 {skirt: ASOS}
{shoes: BCBGirls (old), similar style here}
{jewelry: scored at a friend's annual accessories swap}

Easter is this week!  It kind of snuck up on me.  I've been caught up with our travels back to visit family, my son's birthday and birthday party (I'll stop using it as an excuse soon, I promise), and my little girl turns one this week too (insert crying face emoji because my little baby isn't a baby anymore!!).  I had my eye on a few adorable floral skirts online to wear for the holiday, but never confirmed my orders thinking I had time…and now it's here and I kind of hate paying shipping when I shop online so expedited shipping wasn't an option for me, haha!  So, I styled some pieces I already had and "made it work" instead, and I think that was the best way to go.  

I love how bright this outfit is.  The pops of colors in the top coordinate really well with a few different skirts that I own, but I'm a sucker for pink so ultimately that's the skirt I went with :) I was on the fence about this top when I first bought it, but now that I have it and can see it paired with other items in my closet I know how versatile it is…you may see me in it fairly frequently for the next few months.  

Hope you have a wonderful Easter!  

xo, Sara

P.S. Here is a little something more in the true spirit of Easter 

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Friday, March 27, 2015

{mom life makeup}

Hello lovelies!  

Today I wanted to share a few of my current makeup faves with you.  Since becoming a mom I have come to appreciate little things, like showers, miracle working eye creams, and time to myself.  If I'm trying to get out of the house before nap time and I want to look any kind of put together, I have a short window of time before my kids require a playtime referee or the house goes quiet and I know they're up to no good. As much as I would like to have more time to do my hair and makeup before I leave the house in the mornings, it just isn't happening for now.  So I have come to rely on a few key (mostly drugstore!) makeup products to get an everyday look quickly.  So whether you're a mama like me or a gal on the go, these products are worth checking out and won't cost you a whole lot to try for yourself.

Also, most of these links are to Ulta, and a lot of the products I shared below are part of a buy one get one half off deal!  I'm not sure how long that promotion lasts, but I thought I'd pass that information along in case you're on the fence about buying something :)

Primer There are a few options with this primer, but I am using the Blur + Smooth version currently.  I notice a difference immediately when I put it on, and my liquid foundation/tinted moisturizer goes over it really smoothly.  

Tinted Moisturizer This is not a drugstore product, but for the quality and how long I have had it (a little goes a long way for me), it's been totally worth it!  During the warmer months I don't like to wear a ton of face makeup, but this gives my face a little coverage while moisturizing and protecting it.  It makes my face look natural in a even toned, well-rested way.  And who doesn't want to look like they just woke up like this? (#flawless…??) Anyway…lately I've been dealing with some hormonal acne and need a little extra coverage, so once this bottle runs out I will most likely replace it with a BB/CC cream.  This has been wonderful for lightly evening out my skin tone and I would buy it again once my baby/milk making hormones settle down and leave my face alone.

Concealer I learned about this concealer a little while ago from a favorite beauty vlogger I follow, and I use the brightener shade so it has been my multi use tool for concealing and highlighting my eyes.  I have noticed I have to set it with a little bit of powder when I use it under my eyes, but it doesn't require as much like the fan favorite NYX concealer does (for me), so this helps me hide blemishes/sleep deprivation a little more quickly.  I also use this before applying concealer under my eyes and together they help keep the "you look so tired" comments from strangers/friends/spouse away.  

Highlight and Contour Wonder Stick I started to dabble with highlighting and contouring when I realized it could disguise my swelling face as I neared the end of my pregnancy. While I may still need to learn a thing or two, this stick is super helpful for amateurs like myself.  It also makes it possible for me to quickly highlight/contour my face, which before would take me twice as long when using different powders to do the same thing.  I will say that I prefer to use my beauty blender (another favorite!) to blend it in, since I have noticed that it can be easily absorbed/rubbed away when I use just my fingers to blend it in.  

Eyeliner I have been using this brand of eyeliner pencil since my high school days.  I buy it and use it so much, I think even my husband knows what eyeliner I use since I've asked him to pick it up from the store fairly often (and for a man to know makeup?! Right?!)  I haven't really felt the need to find another eyeliner for my every day look, because this one just works so well for me.  In a pinch I will use it to fill in my brows too, which helps me save time.  

Mascara This is a recent find for me, and I really like how quickly and effectively it lengthens and thickens my lashes.  I have found that because the brush tapers in size, I can use it for my bottom lashes as well by using the smaller end of the brush. For a long time I was using this mascara and it's not that it isn't great anymore, I just wanted to try something new (or at least that's what I told myself while at Target…) and I'm glad I did.

What are your favorite time saving makeup products? If you try these ones out, I hope they work as well for you as they have for me!

Have a fabulous weekend!

xo, Sara

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

{spring ombre}

shirt: old, similar here
jeans: Levi's 
wedges: old, similar here
handbag: Michael Kors

Is it only Wednesday?!

I'm in serious need of another weekend already.  I feel like I'm still recovering from the craziness that was my son's birthday party from the previous weekend (posting about that soon!), and these last few days I've been dealing with sick kiddos again.  But, on the bright side, it's literally brighter outside nowadays!   And it's been sandal weather!

I love this green ombre top.  Lately I've been wearing a lot of pink, so this was a nice change of color.  And with that change I stashed my skinny jeans for my boot cuts.  Flared denim is coming back into style this spring, but being wary of falling victim to fleeting fashion trends, I'm compromising and utilizing what I already own.  I also have started using this purse now that it truly feels like spring, and I'm so glad I invested in a classic neutral handbag.  As much as I am drawn to bright and colorful accessories, the styling possibilities with this bag are endless.

Thanks for reading!

xo, Sara


Monday, March 16, 2015

{three years into motherhood}

It is a happy Monday indeed!

My little boy is three years old today! I am celebrating with him all day, doing all of the fun things he likes to do and eating all of the foods he likes to eat.  Thankfully since he is still little and easy to please,  he is having an amazing birthday.  His excitement for everything is super contagious, and this is why being his mama is awesome.  

Sometimes it still boggles my mind that I am a mother, and that I have two kids now!  Not because I didn't think motherhood wouldn't work out for me or because it wasn't in my original life plan, but time has just flown by…watching my kids grow up makes me feel old and I don't feel old at all!  I've always known that I wanted to have children, and because I had children when it was the right time for me, I have no regrets about it.  But…parenthood is hard.  The struggle is real!  I know that's totally cliche, but should something be a cliche when it's actually a fact of life? Parenthood is one of the hardest jobs in the world, and everyone seems to have a different opinion about it (including myself).  I have friends with kids that mention every now and then that they can't imagine life without their children, or that they didn't know what life was until their littles came into the world.  I'm going to honest, I can't really relate to those sentiments because I totally remember how my life was kid-free, and I CAN imagine what my life would be like without them.  That sounds horrible, but I can explain.  

The few years when it was just my husband and I, we were living it up as two full-time college students and part-time job holders.  For the most part we managed our time well to where we didn't always work crazy hours, every night was basically date night since we were together almost every night, and we were financially comfortable.  We would go on vacations, spontaneous weekend trips, and try new local restaurants with such ease.  We both had time for our own hobbies, and lived pretty well-rounded lives.  I love having that time with my hubby as just the two of us, even when it wasn't always easy (sometimes it was hard in its own ways).  With kids added into our mix, it has added a few steps of complication to all of those things.  I'm not saying we don't or can't do those things anymore because of kids.  Now it takes a bit more planning, money, energy, and forethought...whereas before we wouldn't have to worry about babysitters, how many toys to pack, and/or future college savings.  With how much we spend just on diapers alone we could visit any exotic place in the world (or buy me some really amazing shoes)!

So yeah, I'd say that I remember life without kids and I can imagine what life would be like…especially on those nights when my little girl decides to not sleep through the night and on days where my now three year old pushes all of my buttons and throws epic terrible two tantrums (which I'm told don't magically disappear by age three and that they get worse…what?!).  BUT!  I love my children.  SO MUCH.  I would never not have them in my life.  Just like all of the other parents I personally know would say the same thing about their kids.  And maybe the phrase "can't imagine life without them" is how they express that their children are irreplaceable and worth all of the sacrifices they have made.  Whether having babies in the first place was a cake walk or a refiner's fire through Hell and back, I think it's safe to say that all parents struggle with parenthood every now and then and can remember their life as it was before kids.  And those I know personally never quit on their children no matter how rough it is.  Because regardless of how tough it may be, there are moments that parenting wins and successes are made of and they are worth everything…and my daydreams of vacations and designer shoes can't even begin to compete with that.  

xo, Sara

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

{sesame street birthday party}

Happy Thursday!

In less than a week, my little boy will be turning three, and it boggles my mind that I have a three year old!  I'm crazy deep in planning his upcoming birthday party, and in honor of throwback Thursday, I wanted to share a few memories of Grant's birthday party from last year.

Growing up, my mom would put together Pinterest-worthy birthday parties for my brother and I (obviously before Pinterest ever existed), so since I was little I have wanted to do the same for my kids.  It might seem crazy, but I love planning, organizing, and throwing parties.  A lot of my favorite memories and best friendships have been from (or grown stronger because of) throwing a get-together, and adding a theme and decorations gives me a creative outlet and just takes things up a notch of awesome in my book! And now that I have kids, seeing the joy and excitement in their faces when they go to parties (or have their own) and play with their friends makes the effort (and sometimes late nights and stress) totally worth it.  

I have a Pinterest board just for party ideas here, and even a few separate party theme specific boards (including one just of Sesame Street ideas and inspiration, in case you have a little one requesting Sesame Street!)

This year we are throwing little G-man a race car themed party, so I'll be sharing that soon!

xo, Sara

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

{a save vs. splurge compromise}

Hello again!

I just got back from a trip visiting family, and it was jam packed with family and fun times!  Unfortunately where I thought I would have posts planned and ready while away, snow and ice, sickness, and packing for myself and two kids got in the way.  So here I am again!

A little while ago I found this gorgeous Michael Kors bag at TJMaxx! It was love at first sight...and then my critical eyes found a teeny tiny flaw (so small you barely notice it). I almost didn't buy it, but after talking with the nice store manager, they gave me a discount along with the amazing TJMaxx price that I couldn't refuse!  I may seem super picky for even finding something wrong with it, or maybe I am silly to still spend money on something that is flawed (I normally don't). I like nice things, but our family is sticking to a tight budget (we are hoping to buy a house soon), so for me finding deals and spending my money wisely are essential!  And even with the practically imperceivable imperfection, this bag for the extremely discounted price is worth it to me!

So long story short, don't be afraid to ask for something.  You'll never really know what is possible (or how much money you can save!) unless you ask.  

xo, Sara

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