{january favorites}

A little while ago, sweet Leesha of Captivating Femininity tagged me on Instagram to share my January favorites.   I had already shared some of my favorite outfits for the month here, but I thought I could share some other things that I have been loving for the last month or so.


Leopard print.  In case you haven't noticed, I've had a current obsession with leopard print.  It's super easy to print mix with it, since basically it's a neutral nowadays.

Hats.  Towards my third (or fourth) day between hair washes, I tend to rock a top knot just so that my long hair isn't pulled on by my curious ten month old daughter.  Even though top knots can look chic in their own way, I love how I can look just as pulled together when I put on a hat.  The hat pictured above I bought from Forever 21 and I get compliments on it every time I wear it.

Bauble Bar.  For some reason I just barely started purchasing jewelry from Bauble Bar and I have loved everything I've gotten!  There is so much variety and plenty of options for whatever kind of look you're going for.  Those crystal drop earrings I bought on sale and they instantly add sparkle to any outfit.

Yosi Samra flats. These flats have been my feet's saving grace.  They are super cute and even after running around with kids all day, my feet still feel fine.  My Habit usually has Yosi Samra flats on sale, so if you're looking to buy a pair but are on a budget I would check there first.  I bought the canvas camouflage ones from there most recently and I hope to get a few more in some spring colors.


PMD Personal Microderm tool.  This was my big Christmas gift from my hubby (at my request), but I finally started using it last month.  I was super excited to get it, but I was a little hesitant to use it at first.  I was paranoid it would irritate my skin to the point of no return, but thankfully I got over that fear and it has been amazing!  I've had a constant battle with keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs, and just after one treatment I've already seen a huge improvement! I haven't seen quite as much of a change on my face yet, but it's only been a few weeks and I think I'll see more of a difference after a little longer.  Regardless, it's working on my arms and legs and that alone is worth it (especially come swimsuit season).  

Coconut Oil.  This stuff is wonderful! It has so many uses (besides cooking/baking), and it works miracles!  When my daughter was first born, she had baby acne, eczema, AND cradle cap all over her face!  All at once!  She was always scratching her face and it would always be so red and sad looking.  Putting coconut oil on her face cleared it right up and you would never know her skin was so awful.  I've been using coconut oil for a while on my face and to shave my legs with, but lately I've been putting it on after I use the PMD and I think that it has helped with my skin's rapid improvement.

EOS lip balm.  I got this set for Christmas, and the scents are beautiful!  I love EOS lip balms because they smell so good, they moisturize my lips well, and the lids twist on and off, which is super helpful when I have toddler hands that somehow find themselves sifting through my things.  I like having a lot of these so that I can always find one.

DoTerra Essential Oils.  I was given lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils a while ago, but I just started using them fairly frequently because I am finally learning about all of their wonderful uses!  I use the lemon oil by dabbing a tiny amount on my babies' noses when they have runny or stuffy noses and it helps them to breathe.  I also put a drop or two into a glass of water each morning and it helps my immune system and rid the toxins in my body.  And I just started using the lavender oil in my mascara…for real!  Adding a drop of lavender oil to mascara promotes healthy, fuller, and longer lashes.  I've learned how to use my oils from Michelle.  I got to know her and her family as they were passing through Georgia, and she is the coolest.  There are so many oils with so many uses, and she has made learning how to use my oils so easy.


Friends TV Show.  Anyone else binge watching this on Netflix right now? My husband and I have seen the series countless times, but we love it and watch it together anyway.

I loved putting this post together, and I might try to do a favorites post each month…and maybe I've shared something new that you'll love too.

Happy Monday!

xo, Sara

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Monday, February 9, 2015

{january favorites}

A little while ago, sweet Leesha of Captivating Femininity tagged me on Instagram to share my January favorites.   I had already shared some of my favorite outfits for the month here, but I thought I could share some other things that I have been loving for the last month or so.


Leopard print.  In case you haven't noticed, I've had a current obsession with leopard print.  It's super easy to print mix with it, since basically it's a neutral nowadays.

Hats.  Towards my third (or fourth) day between hair washes, I tend to rock a top knot just so that my long hair isn't pulled on by my curious ten month old daughter.  Even though top knots can look chic in their own way, I love how I can look just as pulled together when I put on a hat.  The hat pictured above I bought from Forever 21 and I get compliments on it every time I wear it.

Bauble Bar.  For some reason I just barely started purchasing jewelry from Bauble Bar and I have loved everything I've gotten!  There is so much variety and plenty of options for whatever kind of look you're going for.  Those crystal drop earrings I bought on sale and they instantly add sparkle to any outfit.

Yosi Samra flats. These flats have been my feet's saving grace.  They are super cute and even after running around with kids all day, my feet still feel fine.  My Habit usually has Yosi Samra flats on sale, so if you're looking to buy a pair but are on a budget I would check there first.  I bought the canvas camouflage ones from there most recently and I hope to get a few more in some spring colors.


PMD Personal Microderm tool.  This was my big Christmas gift from my hubby (at my request), but I finally started using it last month.  I was super excited to get it, but I was a little hesitant to use it at first.  I was paranoid it would irritate my skin to the point of no return, but thankfully I got over that fear and it has been amazing!  I've had a constant battle with keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs, and just after one treatment I've already seen a huge improvement! I haven't seen quite as much of a change on my face yet, but it's only been a few weeks and I think I'll see more of a difference after a little longer.  Regardless, it's working on my arms and legs and that alone is worth it (especially come swimsuit season).  

Coconut Oil.  This stuff is wonderful! It has so many uses (besides cooking/baking), and it works miracles!  When my daughter was first born, she had baby acne, eczema, AND cradle cap all over her face!  All at once!  She was always scratching her face and it would always be so red and sad looking.  Putting coconut oil on her face cleared it right up and you would never know her skin was so awful.  I've been using coconut oil for a while on my face and to shave my legs with, but lately I've been putting it on after I use the PMD and I think that it has helped with my skin's rapid improvement.

EOS lip balm.  I got this set for Christmas, and the scents are beautiful!  I love EOS lip balms because they smell so good, they moisturize my lips well, and the lids twist on and off, which is super helpful when I have toddler hands that somehow find themselves sifting through my things.  I like having a lot of these so that I can always find one.

DoTerra Essential Oils.  I was given lemon, peppermint, and lavender oils a while ago, but I just started using them fairly frequently because I am finally learning about all of their wonderful uses!  I use the lemon oil by dabbing a tiny amount on my babies' noses when they have runny or stuffy noses and it helps them to breathe.  I also put a drop or two into a glass of water each morning and it helps my immune system and rid the toxins in my body.  And I just started using the lavender oil in my mascara…for real!  Adding a drop of lavender oil to mascara promotes healthy, fuller, and longer lashes.  I've learned how to use my oils from Michelle.  I got to know her and her family as they were passing through Georgia, and she is the coolest.  There are so many oils with so many uses, and she has made learning how to use my oils so easy.


Friends TV Show.  Anyone else binge watching this on Netflix right now? My husband and I have seen the series countless times, but we love it and watch it together anyway.

I loved putting this post together, and I might try to do a favorites post each month…and maybe I've shared something new that you'll love too.

Happy Monday!

xo, Sara

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At February 9, 2015 at 3:04 PM , Blogger Southern Belle said...

I've been watching friends lately too! Love it! And I'm also obsessed with cheetah print lately:) Just finally started reading your blog, love it!! I'll add it to my little list!

At February 11, 2015 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Style Savvy Sara said...

Yay! Thanks for reading, I appreciate it :)


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