{avocado bacon egg rolls}

Super Bowl Sunday is tomorrow, are you ready!?! 

This year one of my resolutions was to actually try the recipes that I pin on Pinterest.  One that I've had pinned for a while were these avocado bacon egg rolls.  Whenever we go out to eat and avocado egg rolls are on the menu, I always order them.  I LOVE them!  But after having made these, I think I won't have to go to a restaurant to enjoy these.  They are so easy to make, so I thought I'd share the recipe here in time for tomorrow.  We are for sure going to be making these for Super Bowl snacks, and if you're looking for something to make for the big game, these are definitely worth a try!

Thanks to Home Cooking Memories for this recipe!
Heat about 2" of oil to 350 degrees F in a large frying pan.
Place avocado slices on a plate or large bowl. Drizzle with lime and then sprinkle with salt as desired. 
Place flour in a small bowl and add water to make into a watery/thin paste.
Place one egg roll wrapper on your work surface, with one corner pointing towards you, forming a diamond on your surface. Lay ½ of a slice of cheese in the middle. Lay 1 slice of avocado on top of cheese, and then one slice of bacon, broken in half. Finish with another slice of avocado (as seen in the pictures below).  

Fold the part of the wrapper pointing towards you over the stack of avocado, etc. Fold the left and right points over the middle and roll up egg roll nearly all the way, taking care to fold tightly with no openings for ingredients to fall or leak out. With finger tip, dab a bit of the flour mixture on the remaining corner at the top and then seal this corner onto the egg roll to close it.

Repeat steps with remaining ingredients. Carefully place a few egg rolls into hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning them over once during the frying. Remove from oil and allow to drain and cool on a place lined with paper towels or napkins. Serve whole or cut in half at an angle with dip of your choice (if you wish).  We have eaten these with ranch dressing and also a bacon ranch dressing and it was tasty.  We do want to try other sauces with them, I'm sure anything would be great!

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Saturday, January 31, 2015

{avocado bacon egg rolls}

Super Bowl Sunday is tomorrow, are you ready!?! 

This year one of my resolutions was to actually try the recipes that I pin on Pinterest.  One that I've had pinned for a while were these avocado bacon egg rolls.  Whenever we go out to eat and avocado egg rolls are on the menu, I always order them.  I LOVE them!  But after having made these, I think I won't have to go to a restaurant to enjoy these.  They are so easy to make, so I thought I'd share the recipe here in time for tomorrow.  We are for sure going to be making these for Super Bowl snacks, and if you're looking for something to make for the big game, these are definitely worth a try!

Thanks to Home Cooking Memories for this recipe!
  • Oil
  • 2 large avocados; perfectly ripe, peeled, pitted, and sliced
  • ½ lime
  • Salt
  • 6-7 slices pepperjack cheese
  • 12-14 bacon slices, cooked
  • 12-14 egg roll wrappers
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • Water
Heat about 2" of oil to 350 degrees F in a large frying pan.
Place avocado slices on a plate or large bowl. Drizzle with lime and then sprinkle with salt as desired. 
Place flour in a small bowl and add water to make into a watery/thin paste.
Place one egg roll wrapper on your work surface, with one corner pointing towards you, forming a diamond on your surface. Lay ½ of a slice of cheese in the middle. Lay 1 slice of avocado on top of cheese, and then one slice of bacon, broken in half. Finish with another slice of avocado (as seen in the pictures below).  

Fold the part of the wrapper pointing towards you over the stack of avocado, etc. Fold the left and right points over the middle and roll up egg roll nearly all the way, taking care to fold tightly with no openings for ingredients to fall or leak out. With finger tip, dab a bit of the flour mixture on the remaining corner at the top and then seal this corner onto the egg roll to close it.

Repeat steps with remaining ingredients. Carefully place a few egg rolls into hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning them over once during the frying. Remove from oil and allow to drain and cool on a place lined with paper towels or napkins. Serve whole or cut in half at an angle with dip of your choice (if you wish).  We have eaten these with ranch dressing and also a bacon ranch dressing and it was tasty.  We do want to try other sauces with them, I'm sure anything would be great!

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